How I see it

A healthy amount of fear

Relationships… death… relationships. In that order.

Daddy Door Dash

A quick overview about my trip and the lack of mental health recovery.


We get a bit more specific about what my job is and what my product is.

Friend check

A simple friend check setting off a chain of others. The power of friendships and connection even if you haven’t said hello in a while.


Reflecting on late nights working while still in active addiction. When you’re sober for yourself, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks.

I’m going to murder someone

Windows updates and backpacks. Look at me not talking about work!

In motion

Mapping the kids struggles to my own and trying to relate and figure out a path to help her be successful in life.

No pain no gain

Getting a rhythm at the house so exercising gets back into my normal routine. Getting my fitness trends pointed in the right direction.

Murky Mess

Parsing recent developments with the cabin and my job. What else do we even talk about any more?

I’ve got time

A brief note about my product. A brief complaint about the Republican party.